What a difference a good night’s sleep makes!
We got a bed!!!
No, we weren’t sleeping on the floor for our first year, but in some ways I would have preferred that 🙂
When we rented this apartment, we were very blessed that it came with some furniture – a lounge suite, TV and kitchen table and chairs. It also came with a King-sized bed, so when we had completely blown our budget setting up with everything else a home needs—from kids’ beds to plates and bed linen—we decided to stick with the bed already here. Even though this meant we were very squished with a bunk bed down the other end of our room behind an Ikea divider.
Not only was it big, it was, um, uncomfortable to say the least. But I soon learnt how to sleep around the springs that stuck through at the surface and the big crack between the two single mattresses, as well as climbing in from the wrong side. Only problem was, I’m not QUITE as young as I used to be, and my back stopped thanking me for it.
SOOO, we were feeling VERY blessed that several lovely people contributed toward us having something more comfortable to sleep on. And, praise God, the exchange rate was in our favour for the first month or so after we returned. Now we have a simple, but comfortable bed, and I can even get out on the right side!!