Camp Grenada
In June we went to speak to a bunch of kids at a summer camp. The camp was for “able” kids, and not so able kids. Quite progressive for...
Crazy town?
Sometimes I’m sure I live in crazy town 🙂 Today was unseasonably warm. I went outside in summery clothes – excited to be able to do so without having...
Without documents (or friends), you’re nothing
(translation below) Last year after countless hours of travelling on buses, waiting, being sent away to return with another piece of paper, or told to come back on another...
What colour was that light?
I have a number of posts in the draft stage, but this may possibly be the most interesting, so I’ve decided to write it first. Sunday was International Women’s...
Fools and Roads
У России две беды – дураки и дороги “U Rossii dve bedi – duraki i dorogi” The rhyme and alliteration of this well known Russian saying don’t sound quite so good...
An Aussie ray of sunshine
The last week of April and the first week of May were very special for us. We had a visitor from Australia! Our children’s pastor and friend Katie came...
Going to the doctor’s
Some people are afraid of going to the doctor’s. All those scary white coats and round shiny disks on their foreheads of Hollywood fame, not to mention metal instruments that...
Sick = Not Fun. Going to the doctor’s Part 2
I thank God SO much that we have all been kept safe and for the most part have been well while we have been here. As much as I...
Winter Blues
While this winter was apparently quite mild – we rarely hit the minus 30s – it was still a very difficult adjustment for us Aussies. The days were very...
Protected: The Initiation Phase
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post....