I always used to think my favourite time of the year was Autumn, with its balmy nights and crisp mornings. Living here has making me re-evaluate that. Because the...
Winter Blues
While this winter was apparently quite mild – we rarely hit the minus 30s – it was still a very difficult adjustment for us Aussies. The days were very...
Learning For Better or Worse
When we were in New Zealand we had the option of enrolling our kids at the local school, but we opted not to. There were a few reasons for...
Protected: The Initiation Phase
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post....
Christmas in Russia
It’s 1.55 am Christmas morning, and I have finally wrapped all the presents and filled the stockings. I’m sure it would be a lot easier if I were just...
Rolling Stones Gather No Moss
But I wouldn’t mind gathering just a little! For a girl who spent 25 years of her life in the one house in a leafy suburb of Melbourne, moving...
My walk to uni
We are very blessed to live in a location not too far out of the city (distance-wise that is, time-wise it is a completely different matter!) that is surrounded...
Picture: “Ribena” tree. No, not like the drink in Australia, but a beautiful tree that was in full flourish when we arrived. Only a few short weeks later its...
Singapore Part 3 – More food
It’s a real pity this first photo had to be taken in the dark with my phone. What you can’t see very well is the dozens of tables, chairs...