Why (I think) the Lada is becoming extinct
The Zhiguli, known to ignorant westerners like me as the Lada, just keeps on keeping on. Although not in overwhelming numbers any more, it is still quite possible to...
Winter in May
It may seem that Siberians harp on about the weather a bit, but I feel I have begun to understand and identify with them. The weather has so much...
Christ is Risen
Easter was several weeks ago in Australia, but wasn’t celebrated until May 1st here. I really liked the fact we got to celebrate it twice. It’s a day I...
Camp Grenada
In June we went to speak to a bunch of kids at a summer camp. The camp was for “able” kids, and not so able kids. Quite progressive for...
Spring Summer Snow
It’s one month out from summer in central Siberia and it’s been snowing today. Nothing unusual about that. It usually snows a few times in June too. What WAS...
Crazy town?
Sometimes I’m sure I live in crazy town 🙂 Today was unseasonably warm. I went outside in summery clothes – excited to be able to do so without having...
Sometimes the dust just gets to me…
Krasnoyarsk really could be quite pretty. If somebody improved the drainage and then washed all the dust away. Most days I don’t particularly notice it—apart from the dusty veneer...
Later in March, on probably the last day of beautiful fresh snow before the thaw began, N and I decided to go for a 17 km hike with some people...
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti (Si?!), Do
We have been very blessed that A1 has been able to learn music here for next to nothing – this truly is God’s favour as we received a funded...
What a difference a good night’s sleep makes!
We got a bed!!! No, we weren’t sleeping on the floor for our first year, but in some ways I would have preferred that 🙂 When we rented this...