Melbourne Airport, and ALL our luggage!!

Melbourne Airport, and ALL our luggage!!

It’s taken me a while to get started with the blogging. I suppose I knew it would be like this, but it’s still taken me a little by surprise how busy we’ve been – but more about that in the upcoming posts. We only left Australia about 5 weeks ago, but it feels like 5 months!

Some wonderful friends of ours – Peta and Dave – took this turn of taking us to the airport. We have been so blessed with friends who drag themselves out of bed at rather indecent hours to takes us to the airport. And as you can see from the photo (ok, you may need to squint a little, the lighting was dodgy…), that is no mean feat. We only had 20kgs each, plus our hand luggage and whatever we could stuff in the pockets and linings of our jackets! Yes, we used every kilo we could :0) Still, we were not able to fit in any Milo or Vegemite :/ Moving lives with only 20 odd kilos means a lot gets left behind!

Next stop Singapore!
