I always thought home schooling was a wonderful ideal – for other women who were cut out for the ‘home-maker’ role. You know, the Proverbs 31 kind of woman with more patience, better organisational skills, more creativity and more nouse than me. Ie., home-schooling my childern was something that I thought about for a few minutes before my eldest daughter started school 11 years ago. I felt guilty for a bit but decided that I just wouldn’t be able to do as good a job as the teachers would.

Over the years I’ve met several mums who home school and have felt twinges again of how I could have, would have, should have etc, but we were already in a groove with the school thing. Why rock the boat? And besides, when would I ever get any child-free time if the kids were always with me?

That last reason one is one that I, and so many other women, have often given for not home-schooling. I really believed it. But now that my eldest is 16, I realise just how fast those years really do fly. And sometimes I think about how my children have spent more waking hours with other people than their own family. And how soon they’ll move out…

I know, I know, I’ve been told the childhood years would fast disappear by many an older, wiser woman, but it’s so hard to comprehend in the midst of sleepless nights and spaghetti strewn walls. I’m sure I’ll give the same sage advice to young mothers about how ‘this too shall pass’, and they will probably smile at me while not really believing me too.

So, now that I am thrust into this world of home-schooling as a side-effect of moving into missions, I am trying to once again embrace the notion that home schooling is a wonderful thing that will allow me to make the most of the precious years I have left while my children are young. Wonderful…….and scary!

Given that I am a ‘reluctant home school mum’, I thought I might blog about my experience (assuming I can be that organised!! – a MAJOR reason I have feared home schooling…) Every home school blog I seem to read applauds home schooling and seems to be written by motivated, dedicated parents. I still can’t picture myself in that category.

But I’m in this for better or worse. So here goes!

Oh, and I’m kind of hoping that there will be some of those enthusiastic-teacher-types out there who will appreciate where I’m at and not just tell me to send my kids to school – even in the middle of Siberia. Maybe the type who will give me great pointers and creative ideas. Please???